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Англо-русский словарь - shine


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Перевод с английского языка shine на русский

 1. noun
 1) сияние; (солнечный, лунный) свет
 2) блеск, глянец, лоск; to get a shine - почистить сапоги (у чистильщика); to take the shine out of smth. -
 а) снять, удалить блеск, глянец с чего-л.;
 б) лишить что-л. блеска, новизны; to take the shine out of smb. - затмить, превзойти кого-л.
 3) блеск, великолепие
 4) usu. pl.; amer.; coll. глупая выходка, проделка
 5) amer.; coll. расположение; he took a shine to you - вы ему понравились
 2. v.
 1) светить(ся); сиять, блестеть
 2) блистать (в обществе, разговоре)
 3) coll. придавать блеск, полировать; чистить (обувь, металл и т.п.) - shine at - shine down - shine out - shine through - shine up
SHINE at coll. блистать, выделяться; None of my family shine at maths.
SHINE down затмевать, превосходить; She shone everybody down.
 а) ярко светить; A lonely star shone out against the black sky.
 б) выделяться, блистать; His abilities shine out when compared to his companions.
SHINE through
 а) светить, проходить сквозь что-л. (о свете) The curtains are so thin that the light shines through.
 б) быть понятным, ясно видимым (сквозь что-л.) She could not find the right words, but her meaning shone through. Her continuing courage shines through all her actions.
SHINE up amer.; coll. льстить, подлизываться It wont do the student any good to shine up to the teacher like that.
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См. в других словарях

  1. свет, сияние the shine of the sun —- свет солнца the shine of a lamp —- свет лампы the bright shine of the fire —- яркий свет огня 2. солнечный день rain or shine —- в дождь или ведро, в любую погоду shine or dark —- впотьмах или при свете 3. блеск the shine of gold —- блеск золота 4. блеск, свет the shine of wisdom —- свет мудрости the shine of eloquence —- блеск красноречия to take the shine out of smth. —- лишить что-либо блеска; затмить что-либо to take the shine out of smb. —- лишить бодрости, измотать кого-либо the cares of the world took the shine out of him —- жизнь его основательно потрепала to take the shine out of smb. —- сбить спесь с кого-либо 5. глянец, лоск to give one's shoes a shine —- навести на туфли глянец to get a shine —- почистить туфли (у чистильщика) to give smb. a shine —- разг. почистить кому-либо обувь 6. ам. симпатия, влечение to take a shine to —- привязаться, почувствовать симпатию he has taken a shine to you —- вы ему понравились to take a shine to —- пристраститься 7. разг. шум, скандал; возня 8. разг. ам. выходки, проказы 9. фот. световой блик Id: to cut a shine —- заноситься; преуспевать, быть на виду 10. светить, сиять; озарять the sun shines —- светит солнце it shines —- светит солнце a lamp shines —- светит лампа a light shone upon his figure through the window —- из окна на него падал свет the sun shone down upon meadow —- солнце озаряло луг the sun shone forth...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) блеск, глянец, лоск 2) блестеть, лосниться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (past and past part. shone or shined) 1 intr. emit or reflect light; be bright; glow (the lamp was shining; his face shone with gratitude). 2 intr. (of the sun, a star, etc.) not be obscured by clouds etc.; be visible. 3 tr. cause (a lamp etc.) to shine. 4 tr. (past and past part. shined) make bright; polish (shined his shoes). 5 intr. be brilliant in some respect; excel (does not shine in conversation; is a shining example). --n. 1 light; brightness, esp. reflected. 2 a high polish; lustre. 3 US the act or an instance of shining esp. shoes. Phrases and idioms shine up to US seek to ingratiate oneself with. take the shine out of 1 spoil the brilliance or newness of. 2 throw into the shade by surpassing. take a shine to colloq. take a fancy to; like. Derivatives shiningly adv. Etymology: OE scinan f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (shone or ~d; shining)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English scinan; akin to Old High German skinan to ~ and perhaps to Greek skia shadow  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to emit rays of light  2. to be bright by reflection of light  3.  a. to be eminent, conspicuous, or distinguished ~s in math  b. to perform extremely well when will stocks really ~ again? — Temma Ehrenfeld  4. to have a bright glowing appearance his face shone with enthusiasm  5. to be conspicuously evident or clear  transitive verb  1.  a. to cause to emit light  b. to throw or direct the light of  2. past & past participle ~d to make bright by polishing ~d his shoes  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1. brightness caused by the emission of light  2. brightness caused by the reflection of light ; luster the ~ of polished silver  3. brilliance, splendor still has a ~ about her  4. fair weather ; sun~ rain or ~  5. trick, caper — usually used in plural  6. liking, fancy took a ~ to him  7.  a. a polish or gloss given to shoes  b. a single polishing of a pair of shoes ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (shines, shining, shined, shone) 1. When the sun or a light shines, it gives out bright light. It is a mild morning and the sun is shining... A few scattered lights shone on the horizon. VERB: V, V 2. If you shine a torch or other light somewhere, you point it there, so that you can see something when it is dark. One of the men shone a torch in his face... The man walked slowly towards her, shining the flashlight. VERB: V n prep, V n 3. Something that shines is very bright and clear because it is reflecting light. Her blue eyes shone and caught the light. ...shining aluminum machines. = gleam VERB: V, V-ing 4. Something that has a shine is bright and clear because it is reflecting light. This gel gives a beautiful shine to the hair... = sheen N-SING 5. If you shine a wooden, leather, or metal object, you make it bright by rubbing or polishing it. Let him dust and shine the furniture... = polish VERB: V n 6. Someone who shines at a skill or activity does it extremely well. Did you shine at school?... = excel VERB: V 7. see also shining 8. If you say that someone has taken a shine to another person, you mean that he or she liked them very much at their first meeting. (INFORMAL) Seems to me you’ve taken quite a shine to Miss Richmond. PHRASE: V inflects 9. rain or shine: see rain ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense and past participle shone, 1 to produce light  (At last the sun was shining after weeks of rain.) + in/on  (That lamp's shining in my eyes.) 2 to look bright and shiny  (a big basket of shining fish of every shape and size | I want you to clean this kitchen until it shines.) 3 to hold or point a lamp, light etc so that the light from it goes in a particular direction  (shine sth into/across/onto etc)  (Shine the flashlight over here so that I can see what I'm doing.) 4 if your eyes shine, or your face shines, you have an expression of happiness  ("I passed!" exclaimed Rufus, his eyes shining.) 5 I not in progressive to be very good at something + in/a  (He really shines in history.) shine through phr v if a quality that someone has shines through, you can easily see that they have it  (What shines through in all her work is her enthusiasm for life.) ~2 past tense and past participle shined ~ v to make something bright by rubbing it; polish ~3 n 1 the brightness that something has when light shines on it  (The old table has a beautiful shine.) 2 an act of making something bright by polishing it  (give sth a shine)  (Give your shoes a good shine before you go.) 3 take a shine to informal to like someone very much when you have only just met them  (- see also (come) rain or shine rain1 (4)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Serve Honor Illuminate Navigate Equip religion abbr. Serving Him In The Needy And Elderly st. exc. abbr. Showing How Investment Nurtures Excellence ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. scinan "shed light, be radiant" (class I strong verb; past tense scan, pp. scinen), from P.Gmc. *skinanan. Transitive meaning "to black (boots)" is from 1613. Derogatory meaning "black person" is from 1908. Phrase to take a shine to "fancy" is Amer.Eng. slang from 1848. Shiner for "black eye" first recorded 1904. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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